About Al Ain Water Resource Management & Climate Change
The "Al Ain Water Resource" study is one of twelve studies within AGEDI's "Local, National, and Regional Climate Change (LNRCC) Programme. The study explored the impacts of climate change on the availability of water in the Al Ain region and viability of alternative water resource management strategies. A research team led by David Yates and Francisco Flores from the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the Stockholm Environment Institute, respectively, carried out the study.

The main objective of the Inspector is to offer access to the inputs and outputs of the study. Two options are offered: a simple version which consists of a complete set of modeling outputs and a full feature version which consists of the WEAP-developed water system model for the Al Ain region
For a discussion of the underlying methodology, models, data sources, and key assumptions, please see the accompanying technical reports which are accessible from the main Al Ain Water Resource Management & Climate Change page.