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There are three types of resources provided in the Inspector to explore the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity in the Arabian Gulf

FISH & NON-FISH DATABASES: The Fish and Non-Fish Databases contains information on species found in the Arabian Gulf. Altogether, some 3,062 records are available for marine species in the Arabian Gulf.

OUTPUT MAPS: 2-dimensional maps have been produced for priority fish species maps that help to visualize species spatial distribution, richness, extinction, invasion, and habitat suitability. Another set of 2-D maps has been produced for priority non-fish species maps to help visualize habitat suitability. Three time periods were considered: "2000's" corresponding to the historical period; "2050's" corresponding to the middle of the 21st Century; and "2080's" corresponding to the late 21st Century. Three models were run: "BIOCLIM", "ENFA", and "NPPEN". Projections assume the IPCC's Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5. Maps are grouped by species name and are available for download as compressed folders.

OUTPUTS DATABASES: Underlying the maps is a set of databases that contain direct modeling outputs. Complete databases are available for all model runs for priority fish and priority non-fish species in Georeferenced Tagged Image File (GeoTIFF) format which can be viewed by using GIS software. Given the large size of each of the output databases, they have been compressed to facilitate downloading. ​

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Marine Biodiversity & Climate Change 

Arabian Gulf


DISCLAIMER: This portal and its contents are shared as an account of work sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI). AGEDI, UBC, and CCRG neither make any warranty,express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, nor usefulness of the information provided. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of EAD or AGEDI.                                                                                                               © AGEDI 

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