Food Security & Climate Change
United Arab Emirates
Review background & final reports - About the research team
Bill Dougherty. Bill served as PI of the Food Security and Climate Change sub-project. He is the President of the Climate Change Research Group where his work focuses on climate change issues related to vulnerability and adaptation, greenhouse gas mitigation, and greenhouse gas inventories. He has assisted governments in the development of national GHG mitigation and adaptation strategies, led vulnerability assessments, formulated project documents, analyzed energy efficiency and renewable energy options for achieving emission reductions, and contributed to the development of methodological approaches, training programs and software tools that are used throughout the world.
Patrick Keys. Patrick served in the role of research analyst. He specializes in cutting-edge environmental research, ranging from climate change adaptation in Vietnam to water security in Colorado. Areas of focus include water resources, ecosystem services, and climate change adaptation using both technical computing tools and qualitative analysis. He is the founder of Keys Consulting Inc in 2011 in the State of Colorado where he is based.
Ian Tellam. Ian served in the role of research analyst. He specializes in innovative research and management solutions with respect to climate change adaptation and development. His works ranges from indicator development to vulnerability assessments to helping design accountability and transparency protocols. He is the founder of Adaptify, and is based in The Netherlands.

In addition to the above research team, there were a number of contributors who provided invaluable help at the initial stages of the project on the use of the IMPACT model as well as food security issues in the Middle East.
Siwa Msangi. Siwa is a Senior Research Fellow in the International Food Policy Research Institute's (IFPRI) Environment and Production Technology Division, and co-leads research on the major socio-economic and bio-physical drivers affecting agricultural production and trade, and their impacts on nutrition, poverty and the environment.
Clemens Breisinger. Clemens is an economist and senior research fellow at IFPRI’s Development Strategy and Governance Division, where he leads the Middle East and North Africa team, which provides knowledge, strengthens capacity and aims at influencing policy and investment decisions throughout the Arab World.
Holger Hoff. Holger is a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) where he undertakes research on a range of sustainable development issues as part of the theme "Managing Environmental Systems".
Eckart Woertz. Eckart is a Senior Research Fellow specializing in the Middle East specialist, particularly on the Arabian Gulf region. Formerly, he was the Director of Economic Studies at the Gulf Research Center (GRC) in Dubai and is the author of "Oil for Food" (Oxford University Press 2013) which focuses on food security issues in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

An international team of experts has been assembled to undertake the specific activities associated with the Food Security and Climate Change sub-project. The project team consists of agricultural economists, engineers, and planners many with proven research records in food security analysis and policymaking. The structure of the project team consists of a Principal Investigator, research analysts and other significant contributors. An overview of each is provided in the bullets below.