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Regional Symposium on Climate Change

The Regional Symposium on Climate Change was held over 13-15 March 2017 at the Al Mamoura A Auditorium in Abu Dhabi. The Symposium brought together the LNRCCP's principal investigators together with international/local experts and stakeholders. Below you'll find the information presented at the Symposium, including audio recordings of the presentations and roundtable discussions.
Symposium Programme
Biographical sketches of invited speakers
Presentations and audio recordings:
Day #1
High level overview of LNRCCP (Ms. Jane Glavan)
GCC Action on Climate Change Adaptation (Dr. Abdul-Majeid Haddad)
Climate Change risks in the UAE (Ms. Nadia Rouchdy)
Research on sea level rise at AGU (Dr. Sabah Al Jenaid)
Role of Private Sector in Climate Change Policy Setting (Dr. Simon Wilson)
Roundtable discussion (Climate change in GCC and UAE)
Introduction to "Climate Change & Oceans" session (Dr. Peter Fippinger)
Regional Ocean Modeling (Dr. Ze Edson)
Regional Marine Biodiversity and Climate Change (Dr. William Cheung)
Roundtable discussion ("Climate Change & Oceans" session)
Day #2
Introduction to "Climate Change & Land" session (Dr. Richard Perry)
Regional Atmospheric Modeling (Dr. David Yates)
Regional Terrestrial Biodiversity and Climate Change (Dr. Matthew Fitzpatrick)
National Coastal Vulnerability Index (Mr. Gregg Verutes)
Roundtable Discussion ("Climate Change & Land" session)
Introduction to "Climate Change & Water" session (Dr. Mohamed Dawoud)
Regional water-energy nexus and climate change (Dr. Paco Flores)
National Water-Energy Nexus and Climate Change (Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi)
Al Ain Water Resources and Climate Change (Dr. David Yates)
Roundtable Discussion ("Climate Change & Water" session)
Day #3
Introduction to "Climate Change & Systems" session (Dr. Simon Pearson)
UAE Food Security and Climate Change (Dr. Bill Dougherty)
Health Co-benefits of GHG Mitigation (Drs. Bill Dougherty and Paul Kucera)
Sea Level Rise Primer (Drs. Bill Dougherty, Robert Arthur, and Daniel Lincke)
Roundtable Discussion ("Climate Change & Systems" session)
Discussion - "From Research to Action" (Moderated by MOCCAE)
Workshop closure (Ms. Jane Glavan)
Regional water-energy nexus and climate change
National water-energy nexus and climate change
Sea level rise primer
Coastal vulnerability index and climate change
Food security and climate change
Health co-benefits of greenhouse gas mitigation
Climate Change Research Group
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