There are three types of resources provided in the Inspector to explore the impacts of climate change on terrestrial biodiversity on the Arabian Peninsula
MAPS: A total of 4,131 two-dimensional maps have been developed. All of these maps are directly accessible via download from this Inspector at either the priority species or community level. All map images are provided in Tagged Image File (TIF) format which can be viewed by any standard photo viewer.
OUTPUT DATABASES: A total of 5,366 output files that were used to develop the image files are directly accessible via download from this Inspector from output databases. All databases underlying the map images are provided in Georeferenced Tagged Image File (GeoTIFF) format which can be viewed by using GIS software.
INVENTORIES: A list of all maps and output databases is directly accessible by downloading from the links at right. The inventories were developed using filtered tables in Excel for ease in navigating, plus a macro to easily show all entries in the tables.

DISCLAIMER: This portal and its contents are shared as an account of work sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI). AGEDI, UoM, and CCRG neither make any warranty,express or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, nor usefulness of the information provided. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of EAD or AGEDI. © AGEDI